Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony

Casey Anthony Investigation & Trial Cost Taxpayers $700,000 "BILL"

August 05, 2011Gossipwelove

Casey Anthony's investigation costs and trial bills are coming in and the amount is a staggering $700,000!

Anthony, 25, was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony in July, but she was found guilty of lying to law enforcement and may have to pay the state back for the cost of their investigations.
Meanwhile, taxpayers are footing a hefty bill -- the breakdown of costs is:

$293,123 - Orange County Sheriff's Office -costs of criminial investigation from when Casey's mom, Cindy Anthony reported Caylee missing to when her remains were found in December of that same year.

$186,903 - Jury expenses - selection, hotel, meals for 12 jurors and five alternate jurors for seven-week trial.

$91,000 - Prosecution expenses - expert witnesses, lab tests

$119,000 - Defense expenses - requested by Casey's lawyer after she was declared indigent and unable to pay.

Meanwhile, a judge in Orlando, Florida is holding an emergency hearing Friday to determine if Anthony must return to Orlando to serve one year of supervised probation related to her check fraud conviction.

Grand total: $690,026

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