Elite Navy Seals From Same Unit That Got Bin Laden Are Killed In Terrorist Attack

Elite Navy Seals From Same Unit That Got Bin Laden Are Killed In Terrorist Attack

August 07, 2011Gossipwelove

Shock waves are reverberating at military bases around the country, as 30 families are being informed that their loved ones were killed in Afghanistan Saturday morning.

And at the core of this tragedy is the news that 22 of the military on board the Chinook helicopter shot down by terrorists were Navy Seals who were members of the same unit that got Osama bin Laden in Pakistan three months ago.

Military officials said they didn't believe that any of the Seal Team 6 members who were killed had participated in the bin Laden raid, but their loss to the elite commando unit can't be overstated.

In all 30 Americans, eight Afghan troops and a highly trained Navy Seal dog were killed when their helicopter was brought down by a rocket-launched grenade.

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