Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino -- New Jersey Cops On The Jersey Shore

Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino -- New Jersey Cops On The Jersey Shore

August 11, 2011Gossipwelove

So I guess  the police in New Jersey are just as corrupt as they are represented to be on ‘The Sopranos’ – willing to ignore violations of the law for autographs!

The Chief of Police in Belmar, NJ says he plans to investigate an incident in which The Situation asked for directions while driving a Ferrari. The Chief is pissed since film footage appears to show his cops ignoring some obvious law-breaking.
The video which was shot Sunday night, shows three uniformed officers laughing and joking with the The Situation after he stopped to ask fordirections. According to sources at the scene, Mike was signing autographs for the cops.
But the problem is that during the encounter two girls were crammed in the Ferrari’s single passenger seat and neither one is wearing a seat belt which is a violation of NJ law.
The cops didn’t seem to care – it was as though the were glammed by Mike. In fact, they sent The Situation and the girls on their way while the ladies were still illegally piled up in the passenger seat.
Chief Thomas Palmisano of the Belmar PD says he plans to investigate any allegations of improper conduct on behalf of his officers. Don’t hold your breath.

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