Michael Jackson

Nine Of Michael Jackson's Former Docs Could Be Called As Witnesses In Dr. Conrad Murray Trial

August 15, 2011Gossipwelove

Dr. Conrad Murray's criminal defense team has nine of Michael Jackson's former doctors on their witness list, all of whom could be called at his upcoming involuntary manslaughter trial, 

In court documents reviewed by RadarOnline.com, Dr. Murray's lawyers list 103 people who could be called at the trial, including a nurse practitioner Cherilyn Leewho claims Jackson asked her for Propofol in the weeks leading up to his death, but she refused to supply it.

Among the doctors on the list, which includes Dr. Arnold KleinDr. Neil Ratner, who toured with Jackson in 1996 and 1997. According to a CNN report Dr. Ratner would keep medical equipment which would monitor Jackson's vital signs as he was "under." Jackson allegedly had trouble sleeping and utilized the anesthesiologist  to "take him down" and "bring him back up."
Ratner confirmed that Michael Jackson suffered from a sleep disorder, but wouldn't elaborate further than that. It's anticipated that Dr. Murray's lawyers Ed Chernoff and Michael Flanagan will grill Dr. Ratner about the specifics of his medical treatment of Jackson.

Dr. David Adams, a Las Vegas anesthesiologist who gave Jackson Propofol at least four times for medical procedures, is also on the witness list. As RadarOnline.com previously reported, the defense feels "Dr. Adams is clearly relevant."
Cherilyn Lee, a nurse practitioner and nutritionist who worked for Jackson, and claimed in the days after his sudden death that he had asked her for Propofol in April 2009, was served with a subpoena to testify at the trial by Dr. Murray's defense team in May 2011.

"Cherilyn is prepared to testify at the trial and tell the truth. Cherilyn has never spoken with anyone from the District Attorney's office. She was interviewed in the weeks after Jackson's death by the coroner and the LAPD. Cherilyn hasn't heard from those agencies since that time," an insider connected to the case tells us.

Jury selection in the criminal trial against Dr. Murray begins on September 8, 2011, and is anticipated to take several weeks to select a jury. Opening arguments are slated for the last week of September. The trial could last until Thanksgiving.

Dr. Conrad Murray faces up to four years in state prison if convicted of the charge.
Dr. Murray is the only doctor connected with Jackson who has been criminally charged in connection with the superstar's death.

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