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Shaq O'Neal: "I RESPECTFULLY Cheated On Shaunie O'Neal!"

November 18, 2011GWL Staff

If there is a way to respectfully and tastefully break someone's heart....Shaquille O'Neal has the answer.  In his memoir, the star admits to cheating on ex-wife Shaunie O'Neal, but adds, he was never "disrespectful."  COme inside to read more.....

In his new memoir Shaq Uncut: My Story (hitting shelves next Tuesday), NBA icon Shaquille O'Neal admits he was the reason for the demise of his marriage to Shaunie O'Neal.  (shocker) He also admits to sleeping with multiple women, even though he didn't name names, during the marriage....but he did it tastefully.
"At one time my ex-wife Shaunie and I were happy, but I admit it--I was a guy. I was a guy with too many options. Choosing to be with some of those women, well, that's on me. In my mind, I never did it disrespectfully, but obviously I shouldn't have done it all."
I would love more details on how it wasn't "disrespectful."  Maybe he only gave the side-chicks his GO-PHONE number and didn't let them spend the night?
Nevertheless, he adds that he's matured now and he's learning to be a better partner.  Well that's good news for HoopzI guess...
"You know as well as I do relationships are about maintaining... It wasn't the big stuff, it was the small stuff, and that's my fault. I had things to do. I was trying to win, trying to make some money. I admit I wasn't the best partner. I just didn't know how. I'm learning now." 
But really Isn't that always the case....Shaunie puts in the work but Nikki "Hoopz" Alexander gets him after he's all "grown out" of his cheating ways.  Sigh....

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