Black Hole Sun D'Angelo

D'Angelo Unreleased "Black Hole Sun" Cover & Upcoming Tour [New Music]

January 03, 2012GWL Staff

D'Angelo  unreleased soundtrack hit the web today.  And even though it's been verified to be an old demo of his, its still good to hear his voice.
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The sexy crooner can be heard on this "Black Hole Sun" cover, originally performed by the band SoundgardenQuestLove of The Roots, who has been working with D'Angelo on his next album, clarified today that the track was actually recorded 8 years ago and won't be on new LP.  But it's being heard for the first time across the net today.  
Quest said: My statement on Black Hole Sun: its a demo from like 8 [yrs] ago done in his crib in Va. Its NOT on the album (I did NOT leak)
Meanwhile, Mr. D'Angelo is preparing for a 2012 European tour beginning January 26 in Stockholm.
And a new album (D'Angelo's first in 12 years) can FINALLY be expected soon as Quest says it's "97% done."

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  1. The game needs some new music from D'Angelo

  2. LoveThemandLeaveThemTuesday, January 03, 2012

    ya'll can finger-bang your holes to oblivion right now

  3. Oh my I just wet myself

  4. damn, damn, damn...i don't even care about the song lmao....


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