Hot Pregnant Jersey Shore

Snooki's Pregnancy Affecting 'Creative Direction' Of Snooki and JWOWW Vs. the World Spin-Off Show!

February 29, 2012GWL Staff

Snooki's secret pregnancy is a joyful time for the pint sized star, but it is causing some major upheaval for her new Jersey Shore spin-off reality show called Snooki and JWOWW Vs. the World. Which features their dear friend and fan favorite DJ "Pauly D" who has is own reality tv project called 
The Pauly D Project.

GWL reported a month ago that Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi was expecting a baby, with a source close to her revealing the bombshell news.

"She's pregnant and has only told her closest friends and family," the insider told Starmagazine in its February 1 issue. With her MTV co-star Jenni "JWOWW" Farley, Snooki has been filming her new reality show, but the baby is completely changing the show.

"This would be part of the story," a source exclusively told Star magazine.

"They are having to redo the creative direction of her spin-off because of her pregnancy."

Snooki, 24, and her baby daddy Jionni LaValle are thrilled with the news that they're going to be parents, but they tried to keep the news under wraps.

Now that she has been photographed with what looks like a baby bump it is going to be harder for her to hide the pregnancy, and the spin-off show will probably be a far cry from the bar hopping, smushing that Snooki's been doing on Jersey Shore so far.

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  1. Jionni .
    The only advice I would give is get a DNA TEST...!

  2. Aww boo hoo. The baby's messin up your show. What a self absorbed train wreck. Wait till baby sees all
    the wonderful things mommy did on JS! It'll be so proud! That show is the most disgusting thing on TV.
    They all need to go away.

  3. I am surprised a baby would even stay in her crab infested vijayjay. Gross.

  4. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Wasn't she drunk and partying over New Years at some appearance? WHILE PREGNANT THEN??? Hope the nurses contact Social Services if that baby has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

  5. Time to take your reckless drunk behavior off of the TV and go be a responsible SOBER mother.
    The days of the reckless sex, all day drunk fests, drinking breakfast, lunch, dinner, stumbling and falling, ARE OVER. Be a Mom!

  6. Snooki is just another unwed pregnant skank like Natalie Portman.

  7. Natalie Portman did get married to the babys father.

  8. I hope she saved all her money from the show because her career is done. Is it even Jionni's baby?

  9. Without her being drunk and stupid the show is going to be pointless, not to mention it kills the possibility of another season for the rest of the cast.

  10. Y'all act like people didn't drink before not knowing they was pregnant..such judgemental people you are.

  11. We talk because of how this half pint Guido portray herself on tv and in reality. This baby is still in questioned.


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