Bobbi Kristina brandy

Bobbi Kristina Wants To Play Whitney Houston In Biopic

April 09, 2012GWL Staff

With the drama surrounding little Bobbi Kristina's life right now--from dating her step brother Nicholas Gordon, alleged drug use etc... I'm not so sure if she's ready or would be able to pull this off.. then again maybe she could, because it's her mom and she knew her the best.

Also, Brandy and Rihanna wanted the role of Whitney. And now Bobbi Kristina wants to play the part. According to TMZ, Bobbi Kristina believes that if Eazy E’s son can play him in the N.W.A. biopic, then she can play her mother.

Though there is no Whitney Houston biopic schedule,but people are throwing their hats in the ring just in case! Do you feel she would be able to pull it off?

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  1. Although some things she may find out will be hard for her to BARE!! But Yes!!! She's of ALL PEOPLE knows Whitney!!! I think she can pull it off.. But I also think it would be a VERY EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER RIDE..

  2. Bobbi Kris needs to focus on getting herself together. Leave the acting to someone who can.

  3. Bobbi Kris should not play Whitney. How disturbing would it be to watch her kiss and romance a Bobby Brown look-alike? She would have to think about her mother's romantic entanglements and drug problems. That isn't something any child should have to contend with at all, especially since Bobbi Kris has a propensity for these very same problems. I vote no. Let someone not as close to the situation play Whitney.

  4. Let's be honest, we all know where this is going: we are just beginning to witness the downward spiral of Bobbi Kris. God help her.

  5. to whoever is doing the whitney biopic: PLEASE, I repeat, PLEASE dont let bobby k. play her!!!!!!!!

  6. No hate, but Bobbi needs to get that gap closed. There is no reason why she is walking around with a bad set of teeth. Some gaps are cute, but hers look like a defect.

  7. Lol... I was reading a comment on another blog where someone said Bobbi Kris should just sit back and get over the loss of her mom... Well looks to me like she's over the loss and now she just wants to be her mom and take over where she left off. This little girl went from Nervous Breakdown to wannabe Breakout Star in like 0.6 seconds! See this is how Hollywood corrupts celebrity seeds and they become greedy,arrogant little attention whores. Now how Bobby Kristina don't know that it's not appropriate to play the life of her mom on screen where she will have to act out love scenes as her mom with her dad is f.u.c.k.i.n.g beyond me!!! But see drugs and not having the right people around you to advise you will lead you down this bizarre path..

  8. I wonder who will play her while she's playing her mom.

  9. ditio, she seems like she doesn't even care about her mom. She just wants to be famous and seen. I was shocked when I saw that oprah interview, she seemed to show no emotion for someone who just lost their mom and when Oprah said thanks for talking with me, Bobby said anytime. She just wants to be on t.v. anyway she can. I know if my mom had passed away I would not be acting like she is. a damn shame!!!!

  10. i would love to see her in school but, she's not my family, so whatever, but if she wants to be an actress, she needs a glam team, to give her a polish look, take acting classes, because hollywood will destoy her. honestly, she should think long and hard about doing tp show, he has her playing tasha's daughter , the real ghetto character, so most likely her character will be as well, she will be typecast ,hollywood won't take her serious.

  11. i had to laugh because there is SO MUCH TRUCH in what you've said. i think she should begin with a college education. did she even finish high school?

  12. This child needs an education and tons of therapy! Not a damn role in a movie. Anyone who cares about her should agree.


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