Michael Jackson

In Remembrance of Michael Jackson!

June 25, 2012GWL Staff

Today marks the three year death of the late "KING OF POP," Michael Jackson who died at his California home, sending shockwaves across the nation. Plus, I can remember that same day I was at my little sister's graduation when I found out about MJ's death, and I can remember saying that's a lie until I saw the news reports.

Although many people weren’t shocked about the hows or whys, we were more stunned that it happened so soon. MJ wasn’t immortal, but most of us didn’t expect it to happen so unexpectedly.

Michael Jackson is credited with influencing many of your faves including Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Usher Raymond, Justin Timberlake, and many more. So many entertainers try to duplicate his style, but I don’t believe that anyone could ever replace the magic that was the famous Jackson.

Check out some GWL's Favorite Jackson videos below:

Only MJ can get thugs to stop dancing in the middle of a knife fight lol.

There's no doubt that everyone of his videos are iconic. So what are some of your favorite songs/memories of Michael Jackson?

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