Family Feud Janet Jackosn

FAMILY FEUD: Janet, Rebbie, Jermaine & Randy Jackson BANNED From The Jackson House!

July 30, 2012Gossipwelove

Is this family really fighting over Michael Jackson's money, or is it the Executives who are the messy ones?

According to reports, Howard Weitzman, who represents John McClain and John Branca (the executors), sent out an email to Charles Schultz, an attorney for TJ Jackson, barring Janet, Rebbie, Randy and Jermaine Jackson from the kids' home in Calabasas. See what the email had to say below:

“Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children, Janice Smith, or anyone else who was involved in the recent events that led to Mrs. Jackson’s separation from and inability to communicate with Michael’s children, or any agents or representatives of any of these individuals."
Also, Randy tweeted on Friday that the executors of the MJ's Estate were trying to isolate Katherine:
  "...just like they did to Michael, in order to propagate their lies, financial agendas and to protect a fraudulent will."

Katherine Jackson, who was greeted with an applause, arrived in tow with Michael's children Prince, Paris and Blanket. Earlier on Friday, a lawyer for the Jackson family said that Katherine and TJ Jackson would be filing for joint guardianship and this is what the kids want.

Plus, Katherine attends Michael Jackson Tribute Concert amidst of the family drama.

Katherine received a huge cheer when she popped in to see the concert, featuring brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon.
“A very special moment happened at last night’s show,” Jackie tweeted Saturday. “When Mother took her seat she got the biggest standing ovation — love was all around.”
Jermaine, meanwhile, tweeted after the concert that the family feud is overblown. 
“You all have families,” he wrote. “Sometimes it gets complicated. Whatever happens, whatever is said, we are family, we are One, we will heal.”
What's your take on this? 

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