Celebrity beef Chris Brown

Chris Brown Throws HOMOPHOBIC Shade At 'Frank Ocean'!

July 29, 2012Gossipwelove

If you’re not aware of the history between these two…they have no love for each other....  Once again Chris Brown has sparked some controversy after seemingly throwing shade at Frank Ocean when asked for his thoughts on the singer's 'coming out.'

The 'Fortune' singer was questioned about the odd future member bravely becoming the first high profile hip-hop and R&B artist to admit he is gay, but his comment didn't seem to support the singer as the other celebrities have. More details below...............

According to PR Log, when Chris was asked about Frank when leaving Gotha nightclub in Cannes this week, he replied: "No homo."

"No homo" has become a popular phrase, particularly in hip-hop culture, for rejecting something that may be deemed homosexual.

Chris and Frank aren't exactly best friends and have had a rocky relationship in the past when the blonde-haired singer got into a Twitter argument with Frank's Odd Future homie, Tyler, the Creator.

Do you agree with Chris' "no homo" comment?

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  1. CB has the right 2 feel howevr he want not evr1 agrees wit homosexuality y bash him 4 that not evr1 want that lifestyle shoved down their throat geesh!

  2. Nobody cares what that homophobic BITCH thinks. Jayz, Beyonce and Russell brand already giving their support to Frank. So chris got shove it okay. And you might need to check yourself. TIGHT JEANS!

  3. OMG, as of lately I can't stand him.

  4. Chris comment is real & real funny!! Frank can like who he wants but why does it matter who's ok wit it or not he still outed his self & in the past said hating sh!t bout Chis sooo "no homo"!!lol...

  5. it kills me how society always seem to focus on celebrities when they're just regular human beings! Cb's opinion is HIS opinion nobody has to agree with everything he says. how does saying no homo not support someone? also,plenty of ppl i know say no homo besides him..... uhh No homo.


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