Reggie Bush

Is Reggie Bush & His Pregnant Girlfriend Lilit Engaged?

November 28, 2012GWL Staff

I guess Kim Kardashian is probably somewhere hoping Kanye West would just pop the question and knock her up too!

According to reports, "Miami Dolphins" star Reggie Bush has allegedly proposed to his pregnant Armenian girlfriend Lilit Avagyan. The baller even told "Life & Style" magazine that he won't be doing any reality shows, despite being asked about it by many television producers.
“No way!” he says when asked if he’d ever consider doing a reality show with his new family. 
“When I met [Lilit], that’s when I knew it was time to [settle down].” Reggie confesses to Life & Style, admitting that he’s looking forward to downtime as a family man with the woman of his dreams. “I just can’t wait till my little one gets here. The whole process, I’m looking forward to it all.”

Reggie also revealed that if he has a baby girl, there will be a shot gun waiting for the lucky man who steps forward.
"I'm hoping for a boy because if it's a girl, I'm going straight to the gun shop to buy some some guns."
Um, okay. keep checking back while this story develops.


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  1. Hahaha...he knew what? Yeah right! That baby is what has forced u to settle down...smh

  2. I can't stand him!

  3. Kim thought she had him all for her self but thats what happens when she played her HUSBAND AS A FOOL..

  4. Kim dodged a bullet..

  5. Good for them-@GlobalHHB 10

  6. i guess he had to do something since he's not playing very good football

  7. Reggie acts like people were checking for him before he started dating Kim and appearing on her show...he knew it was time when that girl got pregnant!!!if I was Kim I will be happy that he's out of my life,a man who can not stand for his woman and had to leave her cause people are saying stuff?u check those people,that's what a real man does!!!

  8. Reggie acts like people were checking for him before he started dating Kim and appearing on her show...he knew it was time when that girl got pregnant!!!if I was Kim I will be happy that he's out of my life,a man who can not stand for his woman and had to leave her cause people are saying stuff?u check those people,that's what a real man does!!!


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