Beef Celebrity beef

IT'S ON! "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" Cynthia Bailey FIRES BACK At RHOA Newbie Kenya Moore!

November 05, 2012GWL Staff

We recently reported that "Real Housewives of Atlanta" newbie Kenya Moore has a brewing beef with fellow cast-mate Cynthia Bailey which started during a model search for Jet Magazine at "The Bailey Agency School of Fashion." 

Now, the reality star/supermodel is firing back at Kenya's rude comments towards her, while sharing a conversation they both had after the model search. 

Here's what she had to say on her Bravo Blog:
"First and foremost, let me say THANK YOU to all of you that have shown me so much love and support. Life is full of ups and downs, and at the end of the day, the only thing that you are left with is your friends, family, and most importantly, God. Your kind words and well wishes are greatly appreciated and are always right on time.
Now let's get to it! I don't really know Kenya, but we do have a few friends in common. However, that does not make us friends. A mutual friend connected us, and when we spoke on the phone, Kenya could have not been more kind and gracious. 
Even though I had heard that she was as crazy as a road lizard, I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. I pride myself on being the kind of woman that embraces other women and will give anybody a chance. 
In conversation, I mentioned to her that I had a JET casting coming up, and since she didn't seem to busy doing anything else, I invited her to come and be a judge. She immediately jumped at the opportunity and could not thank me enough for the invite. Although we spoke on the phone, the JET casting was my first encounter with Kenya face to face."
So let me refresh everybody's memory of some of the things Miss USA had to say: 
Kenya: “I'm not trying to be the mean girl, but why are you here?” 
Cynthia: If you are not trying to be the mean girl, then don’t be. Just shut up and judge. That's the only reason I invited you in the first place. To answer the second part of the question, the girl was at the OPEN CALL because it was exactly that, an OPEN CALL. That means all were welcome to come and try out. Better question? Why were you there, Kenya? I'm sure being such a big public figure, and a top actress/director/producer you had thousands of movie/TV jobs that you could have been working on. And let's not forget your busy "butt" modeling schedule. 
Kenya: “Is that a man? I was looking for the Adam’s Apple.” 
Cynthia: And who's not trying to be the mean girl again? 
Kenya: “Is this strip club Jet or regular Jet?”

Cynthia: Is this strip club Kenya or regular Kenya?
Kenya: “Why is Cynthia so comfortable, this is her agency, people are coming off the street looking a hot ass mess?” 
Cynthia: Why are you so comfortable to come into my place of business and act a hot ass mess? 
Kenya: “Ass crack and couchie crack is inappropriate at an audition, and I am offended.” 
Cynthia: Calling people bitches, disrespecting me, my school, and my staff, being nasty to the girls trying out, embarrassing me in front of my client, JET, and showing me no appreciation for including your "couchie crack" in the first place is offensive to me, so I guess we are even. 
Kenya: “Couldn't they stop at Target and get an appropriate swimsuit?”

Cynthia: Couldn't you have stopped at church and had an exorcism before you came to the audition?
Kenya: “Who are you and why are you talking to me?”
Cynthia: Who are you and where is your dermatologist?

Kenya: “Cynthia just mimicked everything I just said, it's as though she didn't have an original thought in her mind. There is a possibility that Cynthia is a little intimidated by me.”
Cynthia: Mimicking everything you said, no one asked your thirsty ass to say anything in the first place! I had the original thought to open up The Bailey Agency School of Fashion, which you should be thankful for. I created a door for you to walk through, and without that door, I would not be speaking about you right now. Did you catch it? Intimidated by you? There is no reason for me to be intimidated by you. You have nothing I want or can't get. You are delusional.

Kenya: “My criticism is meant to help” blah, blah, blah.
Cynthia: Help who, you? Putting people down to make you feel superior is very sad. 
Kenya: “I am a public figure, I always need security.” 
Cynthia: On what planet? You don't need security, you need a hug.
Guess what ya'll, this is just the beginning! 

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