Crazy News

CRAZY NEWS: Woman With Sexual Arousal Disorder Commits Suicide!

December 05, 2012GWL Staff

We recently reported that a 39 year-old, Gretchen Molannen, was diagnosed with a medical disorder for having up to 50 orgasms a day, has now committed suicide because she couldn't deal with it anymore.

According to Mailonline, Gretchen was found dead in her home in Spring Hill, Florida, over the weekend from an apparent suicide. She had suffered from persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) for more than a decade-and-a-half.

The condition means the afflicted are physically but not psychologically aroused and can often only find relief after masturbating for hours upon end.

It is unclear how or when the 39-year-old died. The Hernando County Sheriff’s office responded to a suicide call on Saturday night and two of her friends confirmed it.

The Tampa Bay Times had done a profile on Ms Molannen only a week before, speaking to her about her debilitating disorder.

‘I had such a different life before this thing, this beast, took over,’ she said in November. Ms Molannen explained that she began feeling the sensation when she was 23, describing that it was like a switch she couldn’t turn off.

'I used to love life. But this has destroyed it. This isn't living. What's the point? I think about suicide all the time,' she said.

But, having to relieve herself almost constantly, she stopped working in 1999 and started spending most of the time in her bedroom with her vibrator.

I was terrified,' she said. 'I couldn't get unaroused. I didn't know what to do.'

Her distress over the condition made her attempt suicide three times in the past year.

'I know that God wants more out of my life than having me testing out suicide methods, constantly crying and abusing myself,' she said.

She tragically revealed to the paper she had been molested for years by a neighbor, who said she was being punished for being bad. She wondered if that had anything to do with it?

She had a boyfriend, who emailed the Times after her original story was published, saying the article ‘won’t help her now’ because she had killed herself.

They had sex around four times a year, the Times said, because it caused Ms Molannen hours of agony afterward. She agreed to it in a bid for physical intimacy.

Unable to hold down any full-time employment. Ms Molannen said she tried to file for disability twice, and was twice denied.

Because of this, the boyfriend had paid her taxes so she could keep her parents’ house.

Her worst day, she said, was when she had 50 uncontrolled orgasms in a row.

‘It made me think I was going to die,’ she told the newspaper. 'That was the worst day.'

Describing the first time she felt it, Ms Molannen said she thought it was just a hormonal change women went through that they didn't talk about, so she suffered in silence for ten years.

'I noticed something wasn't right any more but thought maybe I'll grow out of it. So I waited and waited - its been almost 16 years and I'm still waiting.'

Describing the orgasms she experiences, she said: 'All the feelings that people have when they are aroused, they're there. The genital congestion, throbbing pulsating, heart pounding, it's all there but the difference is tremendous anxiety - anxiety which is devastating and traumatizing.

'I try to tell myself it's not real and just ignore it. Sometimes I can resist it and sometimes I just can't.'

Breaking down in tears she told the Times: 'I had no idea other people were going through this

'I wish I could have told my mom, and even my dad about it. I wish I could have told my parents' friends I wasn't in my room wasting my life away.'


'The arousal won't let up. It will not subside. It will not relent. One O-R-G will lead you directly into the horrible intense urge, like you're already next to having another one. So you just have to keep going.

'I mean, on my worst night I had 50 in a row. I can't even stop to get a drink of water. And you're in so much pain. You're soaking in sweat. Every inch of your body hurts. Your heart is pounding so hard.

'You have to ignore it, Gretchen. YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. STOP NOW. Just let your body calm down. Many times, I've tried that.

'I'd be as far as in the bathroom, going in for my reward shower. I'm done. Now it's time to clean up and relax. And I'd look at myself in the mirror and there it is again. And I'd throw myself on the floor and cry.

'Men don't understand it. They don't care. They think it's hot...When I describe it to men, I tell them, "Imagine having an erection that does not go down, that feeling of just before it comes out, all day, all night, no matter how many times, no matter how much you've destroyed the skin on your penis".

'It won't let you calm down. You can't go to sleep. You think you are going to have a heart attack. You think you are going to die.'

Source: Tampa Bay Times | MailOnline

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