Emily B Fabolous

Former "Love & Hip Hop: NY" Emily B ATTACKS Fabolous' New Jump Off Chick At A NYC Nightclub!

December 07, 2012GWL Staff

Former "Love & Hip Hop: New York" reality star Emily B. has reportedly started a club brawl at the OAK nightclub in New York City early Thursday morning.

According to HSK, Emily attack the unidentified woman at the Big Apple’s nightclub during the wee hours of the morning. After Emily spotted Fabolous accompanied by his new lady inside the club, where she approached the pair before going ballistic on the chick. Sources say the incident caused the abrupt shutdown of the NYC hot spot.

Here’s what the snitch had to say:

“Fabolous’ new chic and his baby momma Emily B, were at odds during the party. The bubbly was flowing before Emily stepped to Fab’s new chic — and fists started to fly! 
Emily’s definitely a fighter – she’s plays nice on T.V., but she’s really ratchet.”
Plus recently, Fab threw Emily under the bus in his new mixtape "Want You Back," which you can listen and read more here.

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  1. Fab needs to hold her down - peach

  2. She shuda whooped his a$$

  3. Good for her dumb ass.. Why she mad? He's been playing her for years

  4. Claps for the person above me!!!he been playing her for years!!!oh now she wanna react?girl bye...

  5. I heard the track. But still y throw your dirty laundry out like that. And so u took her back either way and it is your mistake for agreeing with it. Plus Emily is gorgeous and she can leave fab either way

  6. Who really gives a f**k. Fab is a loser and Emily is a dumb ass. She was on national tv cryin over a nigga who wouldn't even claim her. And look how Fab treated the mother of his child...typical worthless nigga. The song is wack anyway....

  7. This is so sad...this chick is so beautiful and smart but dumb to the fact that Fab don't want her. Why are you trying to fight the next woman? Fab a player...face it

  8. daaam going down, green

  9. somebody thought they was gonna walk up on play wit her man n she woudlnt get that ass so things happen right is right orange

  10. surprise, surprise, surprise - yellow

  11. She can attack me any day. But she has to lose the nails though (RED)


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