Fashion Kim Kardarshian

FASHION FACE-OFF! Kim Kardashian vs. Zoe Saldana In A Pale Pink Lanvin Dress!

March 28, 2013GWL Staff

Recently, pregnant reality star Kim Kardashian was spotted out in the streets of New York City in a pale pink Lanvin dress (that will be featured in the designer's Spring 2013 collection) and retailed for $3000.

And actress Zoe Saldana was also spotted last December 2012, rocking the same Lanvin dress at the Trevor Projects event in Hollywood.

So the question is, WHO WORE IT BETTER??? Vote in the poll below:

Get more details on these outfits at TheGossipWrapUp

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  1. I don't know what Kim is wearing but I like what Zoe's got on. :p

  2. 1st off work, how can u compare the two she pregnant

    1. A pregnant lady can still wear an outfit and win over a skinny un-pregnant chick.

  3. HollywoodHiccupsThursday, March 28, 2013

    Zoe's dress hands down.. Kim looks like Miss Piggy.. oops sorry Miss Piggy! smh

  4. Why did Zoe have to show us how that dress is really suppose to fit?

  5. Kim is killing that dress....literally! Looks like the material is stretched to capacity and only being held together by sheer willpower and a couple of threads. Zoe looks good in everything, she wins hands down in the dress.


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