Arrested Chad Ochocinco

NOT TOO GOOD FOR JAIL! Chad 'Ochocinco' Johnson ARRESTED For Slapping His Lawyer's BACKSIDE....Judge Sentenced Him To 30 Days In Jail!

June 11, 2013GWL Staff

Former NFL baller Chad 'Ochocinco' Johnson was back in court on Monday for his mandatory probation hearing. Johnson, who has always had it easy with just a slap on the wrist--escaping jail time-- wasn't so lucky this time after a Miami judge ordered him to serve 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyer's butt in the courtroom.

The female Judge, who extended his probation until December 21, 2013 with an additional 25 hours of community service along with extra therapy sessions, wasn't too pleased with the baller's reaction to sorta getting off the hook. 

The judge also threw out his plea deal and violated his probation. Check out the video below:

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  1. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This dude seems to have a thing for slapping guys ass! I hope he has the strength to fight off them guys in prison off his tight end lol


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