Solange Knowles

Solange Knowles Leads A Peaceful Rally for Trayvon Martin In Brooklyn, Says "I'm For Truth, I'm For Justice!"

July 15, 2013GWL Staff

On Sunday, Beyonce's sister Solange Knowles lead a peaceful rally for Trayvon Martin held at Borough Hall in Brooklyn, NYC., to express her outrage after George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the shooting death of the Florida teenager.

The 27 year-old fashion-icon and singer was seen using the message once spoken by human rights activist Malcolm X to express how she truly feels while holding a plaque/message board which quoted Malcolm's words, "I'm For Truth, I'm For Justice!"

The singer later tweeted after giving out a big hug to all who showed up at the rally: "Seeing & gathering with people today/tonight all for the same fight helped to restore my faith in humanity...."

She then added, "Thank you to everyone who came out to support #Bklyn4trayvon rally! This was just a start to a long journey of Justice and Equality!"

31 year-old Beyonce also had her moment by calling a moment of silence to honor the slain teen during her Mrs. Carter World Tour show performance in Nashville, Tennessee.

Plus, there was a not so peaceful protest going on from Union Square to Times Square in New York City that had police officials pulling angry protesters off of cars and bus stops.

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  1. FreshAsFrankieMonday, July 15, 2013

    nice i mess wit it

  2. YES I'm so glade that people are speaking out against this injustice verdict with Treyvon Martin

  3. You go girl ** in my Martin voice **

  4. good stuff #3

  5. thats what it do #12


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