DMX Dr.Phil

Watch DMX's Interview With Dr. Phil Trailer Here!

September 22, 2013Fred

Rapper DMX will be appearing on an upcoming episode of "The Dr. Phil Show," premiering next Wednesday. 

After his appearances on “Iyanla: Fix My Life” and “Couples Therapy,” the troubled Yonkers-native is still in need of help after recent arrests and his naked run through a hotel. However, he continues to seek out help from the best advisers reality TV shows have to offer.

If it's a true call for help, then we wish him all the best. Check out the promo for the upcoming episode here.

Do you really believe he's seeking help or does he need more money to support his drug and drinking habits?  Dr. Phil, has in the past attempted to help celebrities, like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan without much success.

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  1. they both look equally uncomfortable in this pic, while trying to appear happy.

  2. thats what up

  3. Haa they look very uncomfortable. But whatever gets the rating up and paychecks coming in I guess.

  4. Didn't even watch the video but it looks like a 2shay situation... Both want that check... Phill for ratings &"D for them drugs..

  5. LMAO! That's a good one!

  6. yep, you know how they do. . .lol


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