Mariah Carey Marital Woes

MARITAL WOES? Nick Cannon & Mariah Carey Living Separate Lives?

November 20, 2013GWL Staff

R&B singer Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon are rumored to be going through some rocky times in their marriage.

The "Real Husbands of Hollywood" star is said to be choosing his career over his wife and has not been seen together for the past three months.

He also flew solo on the red carpet at the 2013 Teen Nick Halo Awards in L.A., last Sunday (Nov. 17th).

last week, Carey admitted to the strain during a radio interview and revealed that she wishes her husband (Mr. Carey-- as she calls him) would be silencioso and not reveal so much of their personal life to the media.

Now, RadarOnline has learned that the couple’s once-hot love affair has turned into a long distance relationship. The couple’s first year of marriage, 2008, “was the easiest,” she said. “And then [in 2009] he started doing he just works constantly.”

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