Yesterday "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" star Stevie J and Joseline, had their little show going on called the "Stebie-Jo" in Beverly hills. The couple were seen holding hands while walking to Mr. Chow's restaurant for their romantic (NOT) dinner date.
18-year-old Justin Bieberhad a little run-in with the law over the weekend, over his £60,000 car. Bieber parked illegally outside a row of shops in Beverly Hills on Sunday, when he was asked by a police officer to move the vehicle. Justin had managed to charm the officer, as the two then appeared to engage in a friendly conversation. More details below........
The Beverly Hills Housewife starKim Richardsannounced on last week’s episode that she’s moving in with her secret boyfriend of a year, but he’s still active on a popular dating website! come inside to read more........................