Mama Jones
Mama Jones
PUMKASH!.. Mama Jones Releases The Coochie Perfume Commercial! (Video)
October 09, 2012GWL Staff
Chrissy Lampkin
Jim Jones
Love and Hip Hop
Mama Jones New Reality Show "Mama's House"! [Trailer Video]
March 09, 2012GWL StaffI think we’re all guilty of speaking this nonsense into existence. The more we saw Jim Jones’ mama, Nancy, on “Love and Hip Hop,” the more we knew it was only a matter of time before she got her own spinoff reality show. Initially, people joked that she should have a series with Keyshia Coles’ mother, Frankie, but Nancy’s got her own ish now. Watch the trailer below....
Hedonism II
Jim Jones
"love & Hip Hop" Mama Jones Being A Cougar With Friend At Hedonism II In Jamaica! [Video]
January 23, 2012GWL StaffNancy and her friend just cracked the HELL OUT A ME!! Im dying with laughter over here. Mama Jones and her friend go to a nude beach in Jamaica and get what they asked for: unadulterated eye candy!
Happiness, Happiness!!
Check out the clip below with the two cougars at my favorite beach in Jamaica Hedonism II.
Love and Hip Hop
Mama Jones
"Love & Hip Hop" Star Mama Jones Getting Her Own Reality Show!!
January 21, 2012GWL StaffJim Jones mom "Mama Jones" has made a name for herself as the rambunctious, fiery mother on VH1′s “Love & Hip Hop.” She and Chrissy fought non-stop until her efforts were directed towards Olivia and Yandi. Now, Bossip sources are confirming that Mama Jones will be getting her own spin-off show!

Production is set to start soon! My question is, will you be watching?!
Chrissy Lampkin
Jim Jones
"Love & Hip Hop" Star Mama Jones DEFENDS Her Twitter BRAWL With Yandy & Olivia!
January 16, 2012GWL StaffRapper Jim Jones'mom--Mama Jones aka Nancy Jones, recently did an interview for New Orleans' radio station Q93 where she talked about her recent twitter feud with Yandy and Olivia, as well as her relationship with Chrissy. More info inside............
Chrissy Lampkin
chrissy love and hip hop
Emily B
“Love & Hip Hop” Stars Olivia & Mama Jones Twitter War!
January 12, 2012GWL Staff
Chrissy Lampkin
chrissy love and hip hop
Rumors: Jim Jones’ Fiance "Love & Hip Hop" Star Chrissy Lampkin Has A Very Bad Criminal Background!
December 31, 2011GWL Staff
Love and Hip Hop Star
"Love & Hip-Hop" Star Yandy Saying: "Producers SET UP The Fights & I'm NOT Don King!" + Jim Puts A Ring On It?!
December 30, 2011GWL StaffIn an exclusive interview with TheYBF, the NY native Yandy tells her side of the story and says, "I am not the Don King of Reality TV." Yandy Smith, the hard-working (ex) manager of rapper Jim Jones feels like she’s getting a bad rap this season of “Love & Hip Hop.”
Okay, well i personally think chrissy needs to grow up. I love her as a fan but come on girl, quit the BS and put the past and petty stuff behind you.
Read more inside..............
Mama Jones Is Coming Out With A Line Of Condoms and Psychotic Clothing! [AUDIO]
December 04, 2011Gossipwelove
For those that don’t know Mama Jones , she is the mother of the Dipset member, Jim Jones. She gained popularity after constantly arguing with Jim Jones’ girlfriend, Chrissy, on the show Love & Hip Hop. In the battle between mother and girlfriend, Mama Jones released a diss track where she blasted Chrissy over perceived disrespect. All of this disrespect talk came about when Chrissy proposed to Jim Jones without asking permission beforehand. Come inside to read more.......................