EXCLUSIVE: FBI Knows Who Is Threatening Dancing With The Stars' Erin Andrews

April 03, 2010Gossipwelove

Dancing With The Stars' Erin Andrews has received death threats, and the FBI knows who’s sending them, which we have learned exclusively.

Erin Andrews Admits Meltdown After Stalkers Sentencing

Erin’s attorney Marshall Grossman told that the threats came via email. “We learned about these emails the day before yesterday.”

And he says the ESPN host is trying to continue to live her life as normally as possible, “Erin has very good security and protection,” he says, “and she’s making every effort to move forward but it is of course difficult to do so.”

Marshall says authorities have been able to trace the emails and they know who sent them, “The FBI is on the case.”

This new development come after Andrews was the victim of a man videotaping her through a peephole in several hotel rooms. Michael David Barrett was sentenced to 30 months in prison.

PHOTOS: Erin Andrews Stalker

Andrews, who was named "sexiest sportscaster" in both 2008 and 2009 by Playboy magazine, said she joined the ABC TV show because “I wanted to have a change of pace, make myself smile, do something different... It was time for that."

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  1. This poor girl gets eight comments on ROL about her Threats and Kate Gosselin and her it's all about me attitude gets over a thousand hits but mostly from the same few people in any event. Good Luck Erin.. You are the classiest gal on DWTS.


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