Oprah Winfrey Scores First TV Interview With John Edwards Mistress

April 05, 2010Gossipwelove

Oprah Winfrey has landed the first TV interview with John Edwards’ mistress Rielle Hunter, GossipWeLove has confirmed.
Rielle had been in talks with ABC's Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer but chose Oprah.

Hunter’s affair with Edwards was first exposed by the National Enquirer. It took Edwards two years to admit that he is the father of Hunter’s daughter.
A federal grand jury in North Carolina is currently investigating Edwards, whose wife Elizabeth has left him.
Oprah Through The Years 

Hunter’s most recent interview ended in controversy. She posed for a GQ photo shoot and after the magazine was published Hunter said she cried for two hours about the racy pictures.
She was wearing nothing but a white collared shirt and string of pearls. In one photo she is not wearing pants.

 Rielle Hunter And Her Child

GQ strongly defended the photo shoot and Hunter’s implication that she didn’t realize what the photos would show. The magazine even released a video of the photo shoot with the photographer asking Hunter, “Do you want to take a look at this.”

Hunter believes that Oprah will understand her better than the other journalists who were vying for the interview, a source close to her said.

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