Snooki Dumped Emilio - Believes He Was Using Her To Get Famous

Snooki Dumped Emilio - Believes He Was Using Her To Get Famous

April 20, 2010Gossipwelove

What looked like a match made in Jersey Shore heaven has come to a quick demise – Snooki has broken up with her number one Guido, Emilio.

A source close to the situation (no pun intended) and they tell us exclusively that Snooki believed Emilio was just using her to get famous, and that he was Facebooking other girls and trying to hook up.

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“Snooki broke it off with Emilio yesterday,” the source tells “She found out that he was writing messages to girls on Facebook at like 3am and asking them out to try and hook up. He even posted pictures on his page of him with girls wrapped around him.
“Snooki has a lot of self respect and she just won’t put up with that behavior.

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“In addition she’s suspected for a while now that Emilio was using her to get famous and to advance her own career.

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“She is beyond furious at him, and she now believes that he was just using, and now abusing, her so he would get famous.
“Snooki found out that Emilio has been trying to get on the Real World on MTV, and it didn’t take her long to work out that he was only dating her for her fame.

“Emilio is so upset about the break-up, but let’s face it, he did it to himself. Obviously people have been watching him and following him since he started dating Snooki, and considering that what kind of idiot would post pictures of themselves with other girls?”

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“Obviously Snooki has friends on the outside that are looking out for her.”

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