NEW DETAILS: Tiger and Elin's Divorce - She's The One Ending The Marriage

NEW DETAILS: Tiger & Elin's Divorce - She's The One Ending The Marriage

May 11, 2010Gossipwelove

They have spent virtually no time together for months, have each seen divorce lawyers but have not publicly commented on their marriage.
Tiger Woods and his beautiful wife Elin has the exclusive details. have a frosty, cordial relationship that is headed for divorce by the end of the year and GOSSIP

“There is no arguing any more,” one source close to the situation told GOSSIP. “They don’t fight. There is a coldness between them and it’s Elin who is pulling the plug on the marriage.”
Both Tiger and Elin have seen divorce lawyers multiple times, as GOSSIP reported exclusively. But it is Elin who is leading the way in ending the marriage because the damage from Tiger’s serial cheating has been too extensive to overcome.

“She tried to put things back together,” said the source. “She went to therapy with Tiger. She gave it a shot moving forward.”
But there were so many women and so many betrayals – including the daughter of a neighbor – that every time Elin and Tiger took a step forward, they would then take two steps back, the source told

PHOTO: Celebrity Cheaters 

“Elin started to build her own life and once she did she grew distant from him,” the source said.
Elin attended the Sony tennis tournament in South Florida without Tiger, she went to Arizona alone for nearly a week, she took the kids to Sweden and she took a trip to Palm Beach and spent the weekend on their yacht.

This has all been in recent weeks and it’s helped Elin realize she can be fine without her husband.
“Tiger’s return to golf made her unhappy. That’s when she grew cold toward him,” the source said, adding that Elin took it as a sign that Tiger wasn’t committed to changing.

And while some have said a custody battle is brewing, GOSSIP has documented that Tiger and Elin have not argued AT ALL over the children and have shared custody without any problems.
Elin is renting a house approximately a mile away from the home she once shared with Tiger. The children get to sleep over Tiger’s house. And during the day, if Elin and Tiger are both in town and the children want to go from one house to the other, they are allowed to.

“Elin wants to share custody, she wants Tiger to be a big part of the children’s lives,” the source said. “And both have done a great job trying to keep their problems away from the kids.”
And the marital problems are so bad that Elin has refused to go into Tiger’s home, often staying in the car while the nanny takes the children inside. There have been many times when Tiger and Elin are face to face and barely say a word to each other.

“Tiger and Elin will work out their entire divorce before making it public,” the source told GOSSIP
Elin, as was first to report, wants to spend significant time in Sweden with her family and friends. But that will not prevent her from agreeing to joint custody and working out a schedule with Tiger,

“Tiger and Elin can match up their schedules to share custody and there have been no signs of a battle at all,” the source said. “When
Elin went to the tennis tournament she took one child and left one with Tiger.
“When she went to Arizona, she left both children with Tiger. When she went to Sweden she took both children.

PHOTO: Sexy Pics of All of Tiger's Women

“They’ve worked it out with the kids and they are committed to working it out.
“Elin wants the marriage to end but wants Tiger as a co-parent to their children.”

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