Police Release New Details In Kidnapping Of Actor Jeremy London
Police Release New Details In Kidnapping Of Actor Jeremy London
June 17, 2010GossipweloveThe man who is charged with kidnapping actor Jeremy London
is Brandon Adams and is currently behind bars.
The former Party of Five star was robbed, held at gunpoint, and – he told police – forced to smoke drugs on June 10.
That exclusive story created a media frenzy and now the Palm Springs Police Department has issued a press release confirming our scoop and adding details.
Brandon Adams was arrested on June 11 and booked on multiple charges including kidnapping, possession of stolen property and vehicle theft.
Adams is 6-foot-1, 175 pounds and 26 years old. He was arraigned June 15 and charged with kidnapping, robbery, possession of stolen property, vehicle theft and carjacking.
Police added: “Enhancements for the use of a firearm during the commission of a felony have been added.”
He is being held on $500,000 bail at Larry D. Smith correctional facility.
London, 37, was attempting to change a flat tire on his vehicle when he says two men stopped to help him around 2 pm Thursday, June 10.
That’s when the bizarre ordeal began.
After the tire was changed, London offered the men a ride home.
London, who played Griffin Holbrook on the hit FOX series Party of Five and Chandler Hampton on 7th Heaven, says he was driven around in his own vehicle, held at gunpoint, terrorized and forced to smoke some type of drugs, police reported.
“He told officers (during the kidnapping) that he was forced to smoke dope and then purchase booze and hand it out in a gang area of Palm Springs,” Sergeant Steve Douglas from Palm Springs police department, told in an exclusive interview.
Sergeant Douglas said London was forced to smoke "dope" -- crack cocaine or amphetamines.
London managed to escape early the next morning.
Sergeant Douglas an officer saw London being helped with the flat tire and that later helped lead police to the suspect.
London battled a prescription drug problem last year.
He is currently going through a divorce from actress Melissa Cunningham, whom he married in September 2006.
The couple has a son, Lyrik, 3.