EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO: Mel Gibson's 30 "Terrorizing" Telephone Calls To Oksana In 24 Hours
EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO: Mel Gibson's 30 "Terrorizing" Telephone Calls To Oksana In 24 Hoursv
July 28, 2010Gossipwelove
WARNING: This audio may not be reproduced.
Mel Gibson made up to 30 “terrorizing” phone
calls to his ex-lover, Oksana Grigorieva, on the same night she walked out on their volatile three-year relationship, she has told law enforcement investigators.
Mel Gibson made up to 30 “terrorizing” phone
Included in the barrage was eight profanity-laced voicemail messages the clearly irrational Lethal Weapon star left on Oksana’s answering machine at her home.
those tapes -- which are more evidence in three separate law enforcement investigations.
Listen to the blockbuster
recordings here.
The rantings are a twisted mix of more misogynistic insults and rage as Mel again ripped into the mother of his illegitimate child, at one stage labeling her “f*cking disloyal and f*cking weak” and “such a f*cking sl*t”.
In one tirade that lasted just over two minutes, Mel dropped a staggering 23 F-bombs.
In another bizarre message, that lasted just 13 seconds, the words coming out of his mouth barely sounded like words.
Oksana has told investigators, who are probing the Oscar-winning actor/director for domestic abuse, that she was “terrorized by a stream of harassing and threatening telephone calls” from Mel after she fled his Malibu mansion, on February 18 this year.
“She estimated that from the time she arrived at the Sherman Oaks home, after she escaped from his house, that she received approximately 30 calls from 8pm to 6am,” said a source, familiar with the case.
“Mel told her he wanted to keep her up all night.”
As she attempted to care for the couple’s daughter Lucia, who was just three-months-old at the time, Oksana was unable to answer all the calls and allowed to go to her message-bank.
“You have f*cked me up,” Mel said, in one message captured on her machine.
He went on: “You have f*cked me up. You have f*cked me up. I did nothing but help you. But you f*cking shat on me like a low-life sl*t.”
What Oksana recorded will provide investigators an insight into Mel’s state of mind.
In another message, he taunted the mother-of-two: “Just making sure you’re awake, if you were trying to sleep. Because I am awake — and you deserve to be.”
“Don’t ever sleep again,” he repeated, later. “Don’t sleep as long as I don’t sleep.”
In the space of 17 minutes, from 2:29am to 2:46am, a seething and scorned Mel made five calls to Oksana.
Seemingly paranoid, he also accused Oksana of wanting to destroy him and “see me die” because “subconsciously that is your whole f*cking aim,” as he claimed.
A furious Mel also warned how mean he could be -- “have I testified the title mean yet” -- and delivered the Russian singer/ pianist his assessment of her musical talents -- “it’s ordinary... it’s NOT extraordinary”.
He said bluntly, “I’d like to see you play a concert sometime. You make mistakes all over with live performances
. You can’t do it.
“Haven’t seen you not f*ck it up yet. It’s flawless, you understand. You have to be f*cking flawless.
“You are not in that league. So give it up. Do what you’re good at. Whatever the f*ck that is. Oh, I know what that is. Deception!”
The messages also provide a window into the events which led to the explosive end to their relationship.
As a part of our headline-making investigation, Oksana walked out on Mel after a tree-planting ceremony in honor of their daughter Lucia, who was three-months-old at the time.
At the event, Mel and Oksana buried their daughter's placenta in the backyard.
In one message, at 2:31am, Mel told Oksana she was “a sour faced bitch” at the ceremony, at which his one-time love supposedly smiled at a maintenance worker.
“Do you think it was tricky to get that f*cking tree in the hole, the placenta and organize that sh*t?” Mel asked.
“Do you know how much f*cking time and money went into that?
“You were down there looking like a spoiled c*nt.”