Jesse James and kat Von D splits.

Jesse James and kat Von D splits.

July 26, 2011Gossipwelove

Jesse James, the OutlawAssassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The: A Novel (P.S.)The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert FordJesse JamesAmerican Outlaw

Jesse James and Kat Von D have split up.

Kat Von D issued the breakup statement on her Twitter account Monday night saying, "I am no longer w Jesse, and out of respect for him, his family and myself, thats all the info I'd like to share. Thanks for respecting that."

The two got together after Jesse's messy divorce with Sandra Bullock and announced their engagement in January.

"I just saw them a couple nights ago together in Hollywood at The Counter and they seemed really happy," an eyewitness told

"It's surprising that they broke up."

Jesse has yet to say anything on his Twitter account, but Kat also sent a message to his daughter Chandler on the social networking site saying, "kisses to both of you!!!" to which Chandler responded with an emoticon of a sad face and broken heart.U

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