Divorce Fairytale

'Saturday Night Live' ON Kim Kardashian Divorce! [MUST SEE VIDEO]

November 06, 2011GWL Staff

Kim Kardashian's divorce, Known as Kim's FairyTale Divorce to Saturday Night Live and hosted by Robert DeNiro with musical guest P.Diddy,  was made to order for being spoofed on and last night the show turned out a insane and making a mockery of the entire reality family. Come inside to see video........

Just about everyone in the cast was involved in the mock E! "Kim's Fairytale Divorce" special.
SNL regular Nasim Pedrad hit it out of the park as Kim, who ended the 'episode' on an upbeat note.

In the clip, “the Kardashians” spoke about the product endorsements they’ve had to give up, including birth control pills and temporary back tattoos that were actually permanent.

It's not all bad, Kim/Nasim said straight-faced. "I'm single and there's an NBA lockout."
You can watch the video below:

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