Charge Cards Court

Tameka Raymond DEMANDS Sole Custody Of Kids From Usher Raymond....After He Cuts Off Her Charge Cards!!

November 29, 2011GWL Staff

Tameka Raymond is taking singer/artist Usher Raymond to court and demanding sole custody of their kids.  And his decision making when it comes to the kids in addition to him cutting off her charge cards doesn't sit well with her.Come inside to read more.........................

According to legal documents Tameka wants sole custody of her two sons with singer Usher Raymond because she claims he doesn't involve her in his "co-parenting" decisions and he cut off her Saks 5th Avenue card!
TMZ reports that in court papers recently filed in Georgia, Tameka claims Usher:
  • repeatedly FAILED to obtain her permission to travel outside the state with the kids
  • never got her approval before hiring nannies or gave her first shot to watch the kids when he's away for more than 8 hours
  • didn't allow her to take the kids for 2-weeks in the summer of 2011
  • didn't let her have custody of the kids during Christmas break 2010
  • And, he closed her Saks 5th Avenue credit card
According to a unknown source Usher involves his new girlfriend (who he still doesn't admit to being involved with) and manager Grace Miguel has too much influence in Usher's life.  She has kids of her own from past relationships, and the two are together most of the time while he's living coast to coast.  We're told he has repeatedly made decisions based off what Grace tells him to do with his personal life, and Tameka's not feeling that. 
Tameka also claims he promised to pay $5k per month so Tameka could hire her own nanny, but he's now $34,000 behind in payments.  Oh....and she also wants more child support. Since his career has become more successful, she feels his kids deserve more too.
I'm sure there are baby mothers and ex-wives all around the country who would love Tameka's problems. Many women just want the man to acknowledge that the kids exist and show some type of care or love (e.g. Sheree Whitfield).  This one isn't going to end in a pretty way though...

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  1. This girl is not playing, thats what you get for messing with a girls shopping.

  2. Swish swish swish, swag lol GO Tameka Still love Usher :)


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