Bamboo Club fight

Recap: Jersey Shore's Sammi SweetHeart Massive Club FIght Over New Weave!

January 27, 2012GWL Staff

She may go by Sammi "Sweetheart," but during Thursday night's episode she was anything but, getting into a massive brawl with another girl at club Bamboo. Just over a weave. So ladies why would you want to mess with a Jersey Shore cast member's weave?? Are you LOCO!! Anyhow, no other cast members were involved in the fight, which started after the other chick pulled Sammi's hair.
"You dont yank my new weave that I just got," the guidette explained to the cameras after the blowout, which had her and her foe wailing on each other while rolling around the ground of the club.

Giancola got booted from the club, but was pretty proud of herself after -- screaming "It was me against the world!" as they walked home.

Check out the video below:

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I guess weave's / extensions are a girl's new best friend!!

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