Nicki Minaj Vogue

Nicki Minaj Featured In Vogue Magazine! [Photos]

February 22, 2012GWL Staff

In her new VOGUE feature, which appears in the upcoming March issue focused on "showing her true colors," she admits to previously spending $50,000 a month on designer shoes and bags. See full details below:...............

The 29-year-old Barbie turns a shade of blue, modeling a curly pink wig, long eyelashes, and a fuchsia dress in the striking photo shot by famed photographed Steven Klein.
In the article, she shares her early career aspirations. “A huge part of me wanted to be a lawyer!” says Nicki, who is a fan of “Forensic Files” and “Judge Judy.” “I would do a really good job as a prosecutor.”
She also admits to previously spending $50,000 a month on designer shoes and bags. “Giuseppe, Versace, YSL, and Fendi shoes,” she reveals. “I bought tons of Vuitton bags. When you’re a young girl from Queens, you’re going to stock up on those bags.”

But she doesn’t want to be known as just a glamour girl and has plans to launch a foundation for young women. “The Nicki Minaj girl is a fun, artsy girl who can become a fierce force to be reckoned with on Wall Street!” she explains. “They hang on my every word, so I tell them, go to school, be ambitious. The worst position is to be financially dependent on the man.”

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