Jersey Shore
Snooki & J-Woww Say Goodbye To Jersey City & Hello To GTL [Photos]
March 27, 2012Gossipwelove
The dynamic Jersey Shore duo was spotted packing their bags and leaving their Jersey City apartment while saying their goodbyes.
While J-Woww was getting ready to leave in her car, Snooki fed some grapes to her girl and sent her off with a goodbye hug.
The meatball spent some last moments with her fiancé Jionni. It looked like he was sad for them to be leaving, since he poured some water out of the window to tribute their time in the house.
This is definitely a reality check for Snooki, considering she now has to go back home and concentrate on her pregnancy.
We wonder if she's bringing her fake baby with her too!
Everyone is waiting in anticipation to know whether Snooki is going to have a boy or a girl, but for now we can look forward to seeing our pregnant meatball come back to our TV screens.
I hate what shit America has turned into. Orange trashy stars with big noses with their breast hanging out. Ew....