Basketball wives Miami Evelyn Lozada

"Basketball Wives" Stars BOYCOTTING Reunion Show OVER Jennifer Williams' Lawsuit!

April 19, 2012Gossipwelove

Due to "BBW" star Jennifer Williams' lawsuit against Evelyn Lozada's assistant and ex-friend Nia Crooks for slapping her on Last Monday's episode, is causing plenty of turmoil for the cast. Now, the ladies have threatened to boycott the reunion show if Jennifer attends! More details below................

The ladies of "BBW" may not like each other, but they definitely have each other's backs when it comes to Jennifer Williams' lawsuit. Sources say many of the ladies are pissed that Jennifer is causing drama and they don't feel comfortable with her throwing lawsuits around. Now, many of the ladies have threatened to boycott the reunion show if Jen attends! Y'all know these chicks aint about that lawsuit life.

Interesting side note, the contract signed by the ladies of "BBW" states that,

"Participant expressly assumes the risk of any physical or emotional injuries participant may suffer as a result of participant's participation in the project."
But that doesnt give the chick a license to slap someone. Sounds like VH1 is trying to protect their own asses. But that doesn't mean Jen can't sue Nia.

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  1. She has the right to sue and challenge that stupid clause as well. That's why they were all upset about getting that letter from her lawyers. Let that stupid show die, it's time.

  2. This show is a complete disgrace. Shaunie should be ashamed of herself. Airing that "ideal mother" episode of her daughter treated to VIP Mindless Behaviour treatment, intercut with 40 year old women throwing wine bottles at each other..what a disgrace! Can you imagine what the parent's of those kids in the cooking class thought when they saw this on their tv screen's?? They must have been horrified. Shaunie, you are not as classy as you think you are- look at who you associate yourself with and know that this is reflected upon you. Just awful....cancel the show once and for all.

  3. Why don't they put these chicks in a real ring and give them boxing gloves and every episode we see one on one fights to see who wins. The only difference here is that they are in dresses and have a table and drinks around. The boxing or wrestling ring wouldd actually be better and more enjoyable to watch. Jeniffer should reach out to Meeka and invite her so she can speak on Tami the devil. That would be epic if instead of the reunion Jen has her press conference and speaks with her lawyers and invites Meeka to corroborate and tell her story with Tami, hell invite some kids to get more sympathy and let them speak with their parents about being bullied, partner with the Anti bullying campaign, invite her rich celebrity friends who can also endorse her. Now that would be EPIC and would shut Tami, Shaunie, Evelyn & the whole BBWs franchise down. Oh Jen can call Draya too to give her testimony on bullying & Danielle from RHONJ and all reality stars who have been bullied. Jen should then end the press conference asking Evelyn if she would like if her daughter was slapped and bullied? Tami needs to be put in her place too. Jen invite some of her cast members from Real World bc she bullied and tried to control them too. She is so fake and never intended on stopping the fight. She was laughing and didn't even hold her back like she did Evelyn which makes me think Tami just wants to cop a feel and grope Evelyn bc she is to giddy and gaga over her. If Shaunie and Tami really wanted to talk to Jen they could have called her personally, went to her house like Tami did, invite her for drinks like Shaunie did or TALK TO HER AT THE THINK LIKE A MAN SCREENING! Jen I know you were trying to help Terrnce promote the movie but those hoes are not ur friends and you should not have treated them to that private screening. Tami is a freeloader and jealous since she came on the show of Jen's status and never being broke. Tami never liked Royce or Jen and always admired Evelyn which are her own words. She thinks Jen would never have made up with Royce if she & Evelyn were still friends but she would never be friends with Royce if Evelyn never clowned her. She was just friends with Royce bc she was not in the lame circle. Now on her blog she bashes Royce and says she was never her friend. Royce is way to nice and forgiving. Shaunie has the nerve to ask Jen why she got a letter? Um bc ur fake azz tries to be the mediator but you ar the instigator and already have Evelyns side. Shaunie is NOT neutral nd does not care about Jen. Shaunie makes fun of her and talks about her in every scene along with Tami & Evelyn and never has had a one on one scene with Jen until this season. She does not film with the people she does not like and thatss Royce & Jen. Oh and Jen bring Gloria to ur press conference so she can give her testimony on being bullied by Shaunie and crew at the restaurant.

  4. Good boycott, nobody wants to see that shyt anyway.

  5. I say *uck em, let them heauxs boycott! It will only hurt their pockets in the end....AND they may just be blowing smoke because they are likely contractually obligated to attend the taping for the Reunion show.

  6. Also Jen should have pressed charges against her instead of suing her. She's not going to get any monetary damages for a slap. The only thing bruised was her ego. She should drop the lawsuit and file criminal charges for her for the assault.

  7. VH1's contract will not stand up in court...they allowed a non-cast member to assault a cast member. Jen might have had trouble if it were Evelyn who struck her. Jen even asked Nia "why are you even here?" then looked at Shaunie. Get your money/vengeance, Jen!

  8. Yes Jennifer did say it was ok for them to talk trash and fight Royce and Meeka. She didn't tell Evelyn not to fight Royce when she felt Royce disrespected by the talking with Eric on Twitter and the movie role. She didn't tell Tami not to fight Meeka. Not to mention when Susie threw the glass on the Latino chick in her defense the 1st season. She let Evelyn, Susie and Tami fight her battles. She sat back and talked about Royce, Susie, Meeka, Tammi and made sly comments about Kesha and Kenya as if they were beneath her. She is not innocent in this Reality Crap. Again, Quit the show and move on with your life!!!

  9. I can't believe women with children behave this badly, Is this go any where, do any thing for a dollar. Shaunie do you sceriously want your daughter to know that you associate with the likes of evelyn. Shaunie, your ex should file for custody of the children because you are truely unfit. Chad Ocho stink co's mother should strongly object to this marriage.

  10. Thease chicks think they have class, not, hell no all of them are fake. All of you with kids call yourself good moms. You all are just trying to get paid. You all are rude and rachet as hell and there is nothing real about airing your bad azz atitudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. They are some real live haters on each other. Tammi only trying to fit in where she can get in and she giving a bad look for her daughters and she just had a light heart attack, I wonder why? Evelyn better be glad she got some body who's slept around as much as she has. Shaunie really is bad built and rachet in the open for her show and pay check, maken a total azz of all of them. Royce is real, Keshia is real, Kenya throwed but that is ok, Suzie sucks up with that bad looking mouth of hers, Cooks trying to keep change in her pocket, and Jen is Jen. Boycott the show, they are just normal hood rats who moved up the payroll. Fake like they care about helping young girls Tammi. Oh Evelyn please you said stuff about Jen's husband too. Now that you trapped you a real live dog you've went stupid. Any who I've spent to much time letting the world know yall ant bout shyt in real life and on that fake azz suck up broke ex of ball players, to many of yall trying to come up, look in the mirror and prey.

  12. So cancle the show. They hood rats, rachet, and fake. Bullies and Jen call Cooks those names because she slapped her. Evelyn your parents look like they still stay in the hood, move them into one of your pads you been sleeping around for. Tammi you look like a man, stop judging people on their looks, Shauni if wasn't from Shaq you wounld't even have this show. It's bad enough we have to worry about men dogging women but women to think it's ok to fight, yall really hate Jen. Grow up back stabing on TV live. Tammi can't believe you after you talkin about you been violated, shut up! Evelyn your brother in law is sick, focus if you real as you say you are. Suzie get your gums put in place, your not the hottest. Cooks wash your face, your skin looks bad under all that make up. Royce, Keshia, Kenya, and Jen keep doing you.

  13. Oh most of them don't have much to loose like Jen said!


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