Breaking News Diddy

Diddy's UNINVITED Guest At His Hampton's Mansion!

April 13, 2012Gossipwelove

Diddy might want to wash his bed sheets at his Hamptons mansion, because cops arrested a guy who allegedly broke into mansion, slept in his bed and then ate all of his food on April 1st. Cops say a caretaker found the 30-year-old Quamine Taylor, in an upstairs bedroom then proceeded to call the police. More details below...............

According to the police report, Taylor told cops he snuck into the place through an unlocked basement door and proceeded to eat food, drink Diddy's soda and liquor and then got into a bed for nearly 24 hours.

Quamine was eventually arrested for trespassing and later told the NY Post he had been "going to the house from time to time since 2001. "I stay there a lot, but Sean gets funny sometimes about me staying there."

Taylor's mom told the paper her son suffers from mental illness and recently went off his meds. He was arraigned on trespassing and petit-larceny charges, and remains in custody.

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