Basketball wives Miami
Monica Saying "I Respect the Women on Basketball Wives!" (Video)
May 12, 2012GossipweloveR&B singer and a REAL basketball wife, Monica, recently spoke with Hip Hollywood about the controversial VH1 hit show,"Basketball Wives," and says that although she has respect for the ladies, her life is nothing like that. More details below....
I respect the women on Basketball Wives because I think that’s their truth. It’s no different than if you take a group of men from the post office, you take a group of men from FedEx, the music industry, rappers, actors, whatever, and there will be different situations that may speak to each other. And some of their situations are more simular. Mines is totally different but I respect them because they use that show as a platform to do other things that they love. They own stores, they own cosmetics, they own so many different things. So I don’t have any issues with Basketball Wives at all because I think that they’re telling their truth.
My truth is not like that. My husband is very supportive. He’s an amazing man because he’s not afraid to be a man. He’s okay with saying how he feels about me and doing certain things to make sure his wife is okay. And he’s a family man to the tenth power, so that was important for me. So I think it is all about the individual and not the job or the sport. You have to judge people based on who they are and what they show you and what I’ve experienced with my husband is nothing like that. But I believe they live in their own truth and I think that that’s okay.
Check out the full interview below:
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