Casper Smart Cheating Allegations

Jennifer Lopez BOY TOY Cheating On Her With Another Man?!

June 15, 2012GWL Staff

Word on the street is Casper Smart has allegedly been in a relationship with another man for two years and is still with dude while dating the sexy fiery Latina!

So while the “American Idol” judge provides Casper with a monthly allowance, little does she know she’s funding his relationship with his male lover! More details below........................

According to reports:

“Casper Smart is a smart one. He is a big woman – As in, he has a boyfriend JLo knows nothing about. Casper has been involved with this dude for years. The allowance that Casper gets every month, he’s been giving most of it to his boyfriend.

JLo swears up and down she’s in love, and doesn’t know she’s getting bamboozled by a dude that likes dudes. Poor Jlo…first she’s married to a Puerto Rican drug addict that can’t put down the cocaine and now she’s falling hard for a dude that cant put down the d**k.

What is in the dark will always come to the light Miss smart, but I have a feeling that JLo is too far in. Casper is a Smart one.”

This sounds like a serious case of “I’m getting old and need a young buck to keep me young, and I will turn a blind eye towards the truth”!!!


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