Beyonce Frank Ocean

Khia Puts Frank Ocean On BLAST For 'Fooling' Women Over His Sexuality!

July 09, 2012GWL Staff

Somebody looking for some street credits.........One-hit wonder, Khia appears to have fired not-so-subtle shots at Odd Future singer after he revealed that he was gay to his fans. More details below........................

Last week, Frank Ocean penned a powerful yet heartfelt letter in which he opened up about how he fell in love with a man at the age of 19, putting to rest the rumors of his sexuality. Along with the rest of the music world, Khia has added her two cents in, but seems to have subliminally dissed the singer.

"Hats Off To Frank Ocean At Least He Finally Told The Truth Now All The Women He Fooled Can Finally Know The Truth!!" Khia wrote on Twitter.
"I Wrote A Book About It!! Be Sure To Get It Khia’s New Book Ignoring The Signs!!! LAWD HAVE MERCEY ON THEIR SOULS!!"
Since coming out, Frank has beens shown support from the likes of Russell Simmons, Tyler the creator, Solange Knowles, Beyonce and her hubby Jay-z.

What do think about Khia's comments about Frank "fooling" women?

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  1. She sounds just as Dumb & ignorant as she Looks. Is how I feel!!

  2. ew who even remembers her, shes just tryna stay relevant.. and i think i smell her....

  3. She just mad cause nobody don't want her 1hit wonder, Dirty Foot, Dried Up Dreads, Need A Edge, Musky Breadth smelling ass....

  4. She is just stating the truth. Why being gay and say it after so many years of lies makes him a hero?

  5. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY who agree with that gay shiiiittt is going to hellll!!! A great way to murder for real fuck shooting niggaz, just brain wash that azz so they don't REPRODUCE!!! FUCKED by men women and now life...ADIOS muthafuckuz

  6. NEW WORLD ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  7. His orientation has NOTHING to do with his ability to create great music. People are so quick to point their finger & judge someone, when their lives aren't squeaky clean WHATSOEVER. Khia needs to sit down somewhere, with them ole sloppy/dry ass tangerine titties. She's as irrelevant, as the day is long.

  8. khia need to have a seat and try to come up wit another hit. and yall dont have a heaven nor hell to put nobody in only GOD have the final say so in tht ppl r so quick to talk about bein gay is a sin but havin sex outta wedlock is too n im sure all of us done did tht so if he is goin to hell for it then i guess he gone c us there cause no sin is greater than the other betta read ya bible and stop judgin!!!!!!!!!!


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