Cancer new york city

Rihanna Loses Her Grandmother To CANCER!

July 01, 2012GWL Staff

Rihanna has lost her grandmother to cancer!

The "Where Have You Been" singer was very open about her Grandmother Dolly's health to the public, mostly fans. And yesterday, Rih announced her "GranGranDolly" passed away from cancer. More details below.........

Ri spent her night posting pics of her Grandmother and memories. She told her fans after she landed in Sweden yesterday (though it's not clear exactly when her grandmother died):
Goodbye #grangranDOLLY get your beauty rest until I see you
Ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown's mother sent her condolences with Ri saying Thank You:

The news hit the superstar hard, and barely made it through her Swedish performance on Saturday night as she was reportedly completely intoxicated. And unaware fans where pissed off (and walked out) on Twitter.

And Saturday night, during her headlining performance at Sweden's Peace & Love festival (pictured above), Rih reportedly couldn't keep it together. Her Swedish fans possibly were unaware of her grandmother's passing, and they didn't appreciate her being 45 minutes late (which her performance was scheduled at midnight). And definitely didn't appreciate her being clearly high and intoxicated.  

Many walked out and flooded Twitter with comments that she shouldn't perform intoxicated, they couldn't understand a thing, and the show was a embarrassing. 

Rest in Peace Ms. GranGranDolly.

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  1. give the girl a break people...she better then me cuz I wouldn't have went out at all..I would have been on the first flight out to be with family


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