K. Mitchelle
Love and Hip Hop Atlanta
SHOTS FIRED Again: "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" Rasheeda & Toya Wright PUTS K. Michelle On BLAST!
August 19, 2012GWL StaffAfter their numerous tweeter beef and on screen fallout, Rasheeda has stirred up some more drama with the help of Memphitz's wife Toya Wright to expose K. Michelle. More details below.................
Today, Rasheeda reached her boiling point and went in on K. Michelle dishing out everything in a letter she posted on instagram and went as far as calling K. Michelle a h*e. See what the Boss chick had to say:
"I find it real sad how this desperate rat Fake. Michelle can’t keep my name out her mouth. It’s sad how a person wants sympathy but every word & gesture out of her mouth is slapping a b*tch and whooping a b*tch ass.
First, when you see Toya you gone slap her on site (YEAH RIGHT), then you threaten to whoop Kandi ass but when you seen her at the hair salon you was quiet as a mouse. Now, today u have another interview out claiming your only regret was you wish you would of slapped the sh*t outta me & hit me with a 1/2 punch. That alone should make people question your character.
All of our careers Me, Kandi & Toya we have been nothing but positive women to the public. Everything you say is violent. You keep preaching about being abused but threatening to abuse others. You hit Karlie in the head with some silverware, she should of pressed charges against your ass.
But my point here is, we are witnessing you physically & verbally abusing several women via interviews, blogs & twitter bullying and it’s a sad ass shame for someone who is claiming to be a victim. You’re playing the public trying to make them think you were abused but we know that story has a lot of holes in it.
So, the police came to the hotel and seen you beat & abused like you telling the world and didn’t lock up a black man in Memphis, TN???? B*tch please, where they do that at! You claiming you didn’t want to press no charges, but they would of took that into there own hands by law. Its a shame you trying to sell this old ass story but keep threatening to hurt others in the process.
The sad part is the media & the fans have to wait and continue to watch you self-destruct while everybody else already know the truth about you. Sorry ya’ll! As far as any woman who has been a victim of domestic violence my heart goes out to you all and I wish you nothing but the best but this chick right here is a F*CKING FRAUD!!
Rasheeda, also hopped on today moments ago saying,
RT @toyawright @rasheeda i think its time to drop this audio on that Azz.what u think???enough is enough>Yes! Let’s shut dis hoe down!
Meanwhile…K. Michelle, who will be performing in Chicago on Saturday, took a moment to respond to Rasheeda’s rant:
"It would b fun2offer Georgia Prune a verbal lashing,but truth is she needs 2fight with me 2even come back next season.So Ill pass"
"15minutes the whole season and all of them put us 2sleep. Ur hottest scenes were becuz I was in them."
"That grandmother is mad chile. why u mad ur gonna make ur first blog this season cuz of me! U owe me and this is the thanks I get?"
What can I say? Toya sure has some loyal friends who will gladly jump in to defend her (and her husband’s) honor and reputation. SMH.
Source: Twitter/Instagram
They shud all take lie detector test
ReplyDeleteRasheeda needs to mine her own business, and leave the girl alone! Toya needs to go check her abusive man.
ReplyDeleteI wish all of em would shut up. Even tho it is some truth to what rasheeda sayn u cant play victim and then always b ready to fight.the next person. But k u not the first chick or the last chick to ever get done wrong i mean u need to move forward and leave that door close. Toya i understand u have ur man back but u werent there u cant comment on her past and struggles. Ppl go to therapy. K u really need therapy cuz u givin him all power over u. Let it go. Rasheeda stay out of it. Toya you should stay focus on ur new family. All yall just stay positive black women. Lets end all violence!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was abused by one of my exs an I acted like k everytime my mom sees love an hip hop she crys an looks at me an says im glad u are over it I was beat so much that I felt like everyone was tryin to attack me so I felt I had to push back an his anger was rubbin off on me so for boss or anyone else dats say u dnt act that way if u have been abused is wrong everyone deals with things their own way
DeleteWho is she to say that someones claim of domestic violence is false? Im gona need to see a reciept that says sHe was there.
ReplyDeleteAll you need is to stfu and sit down.
I agree with what rasheeda said as far as K. Being violent then asking for sympathy but I wish they would ALL grow up Neither rasheeda nor toya was there
ReplyDeleteRasheeda should focus on her marriage instead of whether K. Michelle story is true or not. If it isn't true, Memphitz can sue.
ReplyDeleteOkay, here's my take, Rasheeda is very disrespectful...
ReplyDeleteShe could've found a better and more private way to do this...
And if Memphitz hadn't responded...Why should she?
All these females keep bumping their gums about this situation...Yet Memphitz hasn't said WORD ONE about it...
Personally....I know a few females who are in abus¡ve relationships and they're quite C0CKY themselves!
Just because someone is getting their heads dribbled off of a few walls, doesn't mean that they're incapable of being violent themselves...
We don't know how K was raised...
Or what K has been through...
Except this Memphitz story...
Rasheeda needs to relax...
K needs therapy...
And everyone should move forward...
This is getting real old...Real fast...
at the last comment, You can say that again!!!
ReplyDeleteRasheeda don't know her past to call her a liar. How would she like it if her husband abused her and people called her a liar?? This blame the victim ish needs to stop. This is the main reason why women don't speak up or press charges. I'm not saying K-Michelle is an angel, but unless she has proof she's a liar she needs to stay out of it.
errbody posting their comments on rasheeda's behalf , k. michelle , and memphitz . . . when truth be told ya'll don't know a damn thing , all this shyt is gossip , rumors , and more . . . shidd i've done been behind cameras && im here to tell yu , most shyt is scripted && some is real , sooo STFU sayin rasheeds is messy cuz she's not, i also major in LAW && if a mother_____ is abusing a woman & the woman doesnt press charges , the man will still b locked up until proven guilty in court of law , thts ANY FUCKIN STATE !!! one love im out !!
ReplyDeleteI am in agreement with everything Rasheeda said!! It is about time that some one opens their mouth and shut K.Michelle azz down with all of these ugly lies she is telling on this man!! She has no proof what so ever to back up her allegations! All she does it threaten to beat some one's azz! Rasheeda's right! How you crying "that man beat my azz, and you're constantly threatening to cause harm to another! You need to be exposed! Rasheeda this storyteller is constantly calling you out on radio and twitter, Stand your ground!!
ReplyDeleteF-ck ya'll gotta say, K. Michelle is ma homegirl and Rasheeda needs to retire your soon to be sagging self. K. Michelle what you do, and girl stay strong, what's in the dark must come to light one day!
ReplyDeleteF-ck what ya'll gotta say, K. Michelle is ma homegirl and Rasheeda needs to retire your soon to be sagging self. K. Michelle do what you do girl, and stay strong,... what's in the dark must come to light one day
ReplyDeleteF-ck what ya'll gotta say, K. Michelle is ma homegirl and Rasheeda needs to retire your soon to be sagging self. K. Michelle do what you do girl, and stay strong,... what's in the dark must come to light one day
ReplyDeleteF-ck what ya'll gotta say, K. Michelle is ma homegirl and Rasheeda needs to retire your soon to be sagging self. K. Michelle do what you do girl, and stay strong,... what's in the dark must come to light one day
ReplyDeletemmh, I don't know if K-Michele story is true or not. But what do I know, is after I came out of my abusive relationship I did want to fight anyone that crossed me...So I don't know.
ReplyDeleteIf she was abused she needs to get some therapy at stop lashing out at people though.
rasheeda really needa stay out of this & toya needa kp her mouth closed cz she dont no what this man b4 her period
ReplyDeleteIf K lying, why are they going back and forth like some birds. We all know the moment she say your husband name he sends a cease and desist. All this twitter stuff is making it look like you're afraid your husband beat his ex.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is, I've been in an abusive relationship and I wanted to fight everyone too. And not only that, to the law expert, what if your man is the police? and what if he has friends in high places?, so don't sit on here with your law studies and think you really know what goes on, because everyone situation is different then what you studied. You are not taught what really happens, you're taught what is suppose to happen. Rasheeda really needs to give her husband this energy and mine her own. LaToya is suppose to be a woman so she can take care of herself. And an abuser will not admitted to what he or she has done because he or she is a coward. And if K. Michele is lying then what goes around will come around, and who are we to judge her hurt. I think a lot of prayer is needed in everyone life, including my own.
ReplyDeleteRasheeda is all the way wrong how would u know wat happen mind yo fucking business for all u know he might be beating Toya ass mfs to old to be doing twitter beef