Joseline Hernandez Love and Hip Hop Atlanta

Stevie J Releasing Instructional Sex With Joseline Hernandez & Lovemaking Manual! (Video)

August 28, 2012GWL Staff

Just when you thought "Love & Hip Hop's" Stevie J antics couldn't get any worst. The music producer / reality star is about to get a little bit more famous.

According to thejasminebrand, the show's leading man is preparing to release an instructional book and DVD about lovemaking. Which he appeared on the Bootleg Kev radio show, and was asked what business ventures he had in the works, besides a music career for one of his sons.


Yeah, that's Stevie's oldest son! Anyhow, he explained that he has the book coming out, along with an instructional video with Joseline Hernandez

Here’s what he had to say:

“Yeah we might be doing the lovemaking guide, we got the book coming, the t-shirts coming… Just the way players play. A manual for the ladies and a manual for the gentlemen with my perspective on how to handle things.”

But we're kinda tired of seeing this girl's coochie! Check out the video below:

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  1. i am all for teaching others how to do the damn thing. BUT i am not for THEM to be the ones to teach it. i'd rather learn from two adults with integrity, mutual love and respect and MARRIED to each other. now THAT i would buy :)


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