Crazy News

Crazy News: Man Arrested For Murder In New Jersey After SLASHING 6-Year Old Throat!

September 04, 2012GWL Staff

Early Sunday morning, 31 year-old Osvaldo "Popeye" Rivera was arresting for committing one of the most horrific acts in Camden, New Jersey that left a 6 year old dead.

Rivera was found hiding a few miles from the crime scene, where police officials are saying that his bloody sneaker print places him at the crime. More details below..............

Dominick Andujor
, 6, was killed when Rivera allegedly slash his throat while high on PCP and marijuana which is a dangerous mixture. And his 12-year-old sister was also attacked but survived and ran to a neighbor's for help, according to the NYDailynews.

ABC News reports,

"Dominick was dead at the scene and Amber was listed in critical condition after she ran, bleeding, to a neighbor’s home for help.

She shouted “Popeye did it!” though authorities initially thought she said “Papi.”

Cops in Camden investigate outside the home where two kids' throats were slashed. While Rivera is set to be arraigned Tuesday. He told cops he had smoked marijuana mixed with PCP, sometimes called “wet,” just before the attack.

The combination can cause aggression and intense hallucinations, and was implicated in a Camden mom cutting off the head of her 2-year-old son and then fatally stabbing herself just two weeks ago.


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  1. roit in hell bastard!

  2. Kids supose to be loved and protected by their patient's ,these muther fuckers is killing our kids what the world is coming to,I hope somebody kill they ass when they go to prison no exscuse


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