Lil Scrappy Love and Hip Hop Atlanta

"Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" Lil Scrappy Denies Cheating On Erica With 'BBW" Adiz Bambi!

September 22, 2012GWL Staff

Recently, Balleralert first reported that "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" star Lil Scrappy might be cheating on his baby momma/fiance Erica Dixon with "Basketball Wives" newbie Adiz Bambi, after she posted a pic on her instagram which sparked many rumors.

Now, the Atlanta prince/rapper took to his Twitter account to address the cheating allegations with saying that he and the reality star are just good friends, and he approves of the extra publicity. See what he had to say below:

Scrappy then added:

Um..... what are your thoughts?

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