Bobbi Kristina Nick Gordon

The Houstons RELEASE Their Reality Show Promo Pics! (Photos)

October 17, 2012GWL Staff

The Houston family just released their new lifetime reality show "The Houstons: On Our Own" promo pics. Which stars Whitney Houston's mom Cissy Houston, her daughter Bobbi Kristina, (Bobbi's alleged fiance/step-brother) Nick Gordon, Whitney's sister-in-law Pat Houston (who will be Bobbi's motivator), Pat's daughter Rayah and Whitney's brother Gary Houston

Check out the pics below:

Be sure to check out Lifetime Special of "The Houstons Remember Whitney" tonight at 9 p.m. and the show debuts on October 24th.

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  1. oohh chile!! y didnt they put some make up on Cissy neck and stuff.. a lil retouch would've helped.. OH my!! Glad Bobbi K didn't smile!

  2. i think you mean 'RELEASE' not 'RELEASES'. Subject-verb agreement MATTERS... IJS.

  3. Follow me on Instagram Heaven1va


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