Rita Ora Rob Kardashian

CHANGE OF HEART? Rob Kardashian: "I never Said Anything About Rita Ora & I Respect Women"

December 04, 2012GWL Staff

News reports went viral yesterday, after reality star Rob kardashian tweeted that he had broken up with British singer Rita Ora after dating for over a year while bashing her on Twitter in a series of tweets for sleeping with 20+ dudes when they were together.

Now, Rob seemed to have had a change of heart while denying the Tweets on Twitter earlier today. Here's what he had to say:
Just so we clear I never once mentioned "Rita Ora" in any of my tweets or even used the word "whore" and I never would. I Respect Women.

Sad that the media created negativity for a young artist new to the game that is working so hard to make it. Never mentioned any names.
Plus, Rita has not responded to the reports.

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  1. Now you want to retract everything after the tweets? Sit your raggedy, no-job having, attention seeking ass down. Fuck out of here with that "I respect women" shit after your nonsense tweets.

  2. U know!!! I agree with prev comment... go sit ur ass down..

  3. Boy take several seats!!! cobalt


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