Taylor Swift Twitter Feud

SHE WENT THERE: Rapper Eminem's Daugher Hailie Tells 'Taylor Swift' To Stop "Whoring Around To Sell More Albums"

December 04, 2012GWL Staff

Rapper Eminem's daughter Hailie is growing up and making her name known in the media by stirring up a Twitter feud with Country superstar Taylor Swift.

Hailie tweeted a series of Tweets, in which she directed to Taylor on Twitter, about whoring around with guys to sell more albums. Here's what the controversial teen had to say:

She then added:

Plus, Swift responded with "y u jelly tho."

Um okay.

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  1. That chick's a fake. She's not Eminem's daughter, just some sad girl who'd rather be someone else. Don't encourage her.

  2. But Taylor swift tho...this chick dates everybody!!!!for somebody who behaves so innocent,she sure get around a lot!!!

  3. I agree with jackie lol, I guess she needs to date and have a broken heart to write good music.

  4. is this really Em's daughter (brown)


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