Celebrity News Whitney Houston

UPDATED: Whitney Houston's Brother "Michael Houston" Admits To Contributing To Her Fatal Addiction (VIDEO)

January 29, 2013Unknown

Last night Whitney Houston's brother Michael Houston came clean on Oprah and expressed his sorrows for his responsibility in Whitney's crack addiction and ultimately her tragic death. Whitney's brother even admitted that it was not her famous lover Bobby Brown but he himself that got the legendary singer addicted to crack.

Whitney's mom, 79 year-old Cissy Houston also opened up for the first time to the talk show queen, while talking about her new book, "Remembering Whitney." 

Check out his interview with Oprah below.

Watch the full interview below:

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  1. first off, yall apparently didnt watch cas thats not the brother who admit they did drugs together. was her other brother, not Gary so please get pics and facts 2gether.


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