Beyonce Official Trailer

HAVE SEVERAL'S: Beyonce Shows Off Baby Bump In New HBO Documentary [Video]

January 11, 2013GWL Staff

Beyonce is definitely putting haters to rest with her new HBO documentary called "Life Is But A Dream" which give fans an exclusive look into her life from past to present and a few personal yet never before seen footage and images.

The 32 year-old also showed off her baby bump and a sonogram of her one year-old daughter Blue Ivy inside her womb, proving that she was pregnant despite the false rumors about her pregnancy. 

Check out the trailer that was released earlier today below:

The new documentary airs on February 16th on HBO.

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  1. Aww shit!! Shut em down Bey! We know u work hard.. Proven! U never fail us. If u just sang ur oldies.. That's cool 2. No pressure! Everything happens for A reason.. Thanks for keep on going.. Life is a dream.. Live it! Thanks for u!

  2. yeaaaaaa ok lol. cobalt.


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