Django Unchained Quentin Tarantino

PUBLIC OUTRAGED: Tarantino Goes TOO FAR With Django Unchained SLAVE DOLLS

January 10, 2013Unknown

There has been a lot of controversy concerning Quentin Tarantino's new movie Django Unchained, which has now earned over $106 million and nominated for five Golden Globes, but the iconic director may have gone too far with his most recent project which has ignited severe criticism from a group of black community leaders.

Tarantio has now partnered with NECA and Weinstein Co to produce collective slave figures from the popular film, but Najee Ali, director of Project Islamic Hope, has teamed up with Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN), a group of Los Angeles black community leaders, to petition for the discontinuance of the toys.

Ali's comments sounded reminiscent of what Spike Lee had to say about the movie when he said the figures were "a slap in the face of our ancestors."

"We were outraged," Ali said. "We feel that it trivializes the horrors of slavery and what African Americans experienced."

Rev. K.W. Tulloss, president of Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, adds,

”Selling this doll is highly offensive to our ancestors and the African American community.”

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  1. Wow, the movie was one thing. The dolls are in bad taste.

  2. Now I was ok with the Movie, ~ Oh But HELL to the NO!!! with this one!! makeing Slave Toys?! What the Hell was he thinking!! SLAVERY for US Black Folk is NOT something to play with.. Quetin Tarantino You've just lost a Fan....

  3. is the movie even that good, they acting like this the new batman movie, green


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